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A precious little girl walks into a pet shop, her pigtails bouncing with every step…
She approaches the counter, where a kindly old shopkeeper is organizing bags of pet food.
Then, in the sweetest little lisp you can imagine, she asks, “Excuthe me, thir, do you have any widdle wabbits?”
The shopkeeper, charmed beyond measure, sets down the bag of pellets and smiles warmly…
“Why, hello there, young lady,” he says, his voice softening to match her gentle tone.
He walks around the counter and kneels down to her level, his knees creaking in protest…
“Do you want a widdle white wabbit, or a thoft and fuwwy bwack wabbit?… “
“Or maybe,” he gestures toward a nearby pen, “one like that cute widdle bwown wabbit over there?”
The little girl rocks back and forth on her heels, her little dress swaying with her movements…
She clasps her hands behind her back, glances shyly at the rabbits, and then looks back at the shopkeeper.
Finally, she leans forward slightly, hands on her knees, and in a soft whisper, she replies…
“I don t think my python will really give a thit.”