Funny Joke: π§π§π¦ Naming Children
A man Is spending a Sunday at the park with his three young children…
They are all enjoying the sunny afternoon, when one of his daughters comes up to him and tugs on his shirt sleeve…
“Daddy, Daddy!” she says…
“Yes dear, what is it?” asks the father.
“Daddy, why is my name Daisy?” the young girl asks.
“Well dear, when you were born, a daisy blew through the window and landed on your head… ”
“So, your mother and I decided to name you Daisy,” her father replies.
Hearing their conversation, the man’s other daughter asks, “Daddy, what about me?… ”
“Why is my name Rose?”
“Well, when you were born, a rose fell on your head… ”
“So, we decided to name you Rose,” her father answers.
Suddenly, his son pipes up, “My favorite color is potato!”
The father glances over his shoulder at his son and says…
“How nice, Brick.”
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