Funny Joke: π¬ Mall Space
A mall manager has three spaces to rent, all in a row…
A prospective lessee, by the name of John, shows up and says he wants to rent the space on the left for a men’s wear shop.
“That’s fine,” the mall manager says.
“You also get free signage… ”
“what do you want on the sign?”
“Men’s Wear,” says John.
A second guy, named Richard, comes along and asks to rent the right-hand space for his gentleman’s formal wear business.
When asked, he wants “Men’s Wear” on his sign.
The mall manager tells him that the left-hand shop will also have the same sign.
“No problem,” says Richard.
Finally, a third man, named Gary, comes along to rent the middle space…
The manager is somewhat concerned, because this guy also has a men’s wear shop.
The manager explains that the shops on either side of his are both men’s wear, and that’s what their signs say.
He then asks Gary what he wants on his sign.
Gary chuckles and replies…
“Main Entrance.”