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An older couple were going across the country by car…
They stopped at a gas station, and he got out to fill the tank.
The wife got out to go to the washroom, but the husband didn’t see her leave the car.
He paid for the gas and then drove off, leaving his wife at the gas station.
When his wife came out of the washroom, she discovered that her husband had driven off.
She waited for a while as she expected him to come back…
but after a half hour she went to the cashier and explained the situation.
The cashier called the highway patrol, and they dispatched a car after him…
The patrol car caught up with him, sounded the siren and the man pulled off the road.
The officer went to the man’s car and told him that he had driven off without his wife and that she was still back at the gas station.
“Thank goodness,” replied the man…
“I thought I had gone deaf!”