A man arrives at the pearly gates of heaven and is welcomed by an angel who offers to give him a tour…
As they stroll through the golden streets, the man notices an enormous room filled with clocks of all sizes and styles, each one ticking away at a different pace.
Intrigued, he asks the angel, “What’s with all these clocks? Why are they here?”
The angel smiles and explains, “These are ‘Lie Clocks.’ Every person on Earth has one. Every time someone tells a lie, their clock moves forward.”
The man’s eyes widen in amazement as he scans the room…
He notices some clocks with hands that barely move, and others that seem to be stuck.
But then, he spots a whole section of clocks where the hands are spinning at an alarming speed…
“Whose clocks are those?” he asks, pointing to the rapidly moving clocks.
The angel chuckles softly, “Oh, those belong to salespeople. Their clocks tend to get quite a workout.”
The man can’t help but laugh at the thought and then remarks, “I’m surprised the lawyers’ clocks aren’t right there with them.”
Curious, the man tilts his head, “By the way, where do you keep the lawyer’s clocks?”
The angel replies, “Oh, we keep those in the office… “
September 3, 2024 @ 8:36 am
Love to 😆 Lol
September 3, 2024 @ 2:13 am
Good Good Good as I’ve said before we need more.