Funny Joke: Happy Couple
One day, Bill visits his friend Mike at his home…
Bill immediately notices the way Mike treats his wife.
He constantly tells her how much he loves her, hugs and kisses her every time she enters the room…
And brags about her to Bill when she is around.
“Wow,” says Bill after Mike’s wife leaves to grab the men some beers, “You really treat your wife great.”
Mike responds, “Yeah, she really pulled me out of a funk about six months ago… ”
“I’m really thankful for her.”
“Plus, this new attitude toward her has really changed our marriage.”
Inspired by his friend, Bill goes home, grabs his wife, and kisses her passionately…
“My dear,” he says, “have I ever told you how much I love and respect you?”
Mike’s wife immediately begins to cry.
“What’s wrong?” he asks.
“Oh, I’m having the worst day!”
“Our son broke his ankle skateboarding, the washing machine is broken, and now to top it all off… ”
“You come home drunk!”
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August 19, 2023 @ 5:18 pm
love all your articles on here, especially the Jokes..
Thank you so much, makes my day start out great.