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Two old friends are sitting on a bench in the park, enjoying the sunshine and the gentle breeze…
As they reminisce about their younger days, the conversation naturally shifts to the topic of getting older.
“You know,” says the first man, leaning back and stretching his legs, “women sure have all the luck when it comes to getting older.”
His friend raises an eyebrow, curious, “What do you mean by that?” he asks, turning to face him.
“Well,” says the man with a sigh, “I can’t remember the last time I was able to make love to my wife… “
“My health’s been going downhill, and it just doesn’t seem possible anymore… “
“But my wife, on the other hand, she’s healthier than ever!”
“Healthier? How’s that even possible?” his buddy wonders aloud, genuinely puzzled.
“Well,” the man explains…
“She hasn’t had a headache in years.”