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One night, a priest, a preacher, and a rabbi are playing a game of poker…
when the cops suddenly bust down their door and arrest them all on the spot.
They are immediately taken before a judge, who tells them, “Look, it’s late and I don’t want to send three holy men to jail… “
“So, if you can give me a good reason as to why you weren’t gambling, I’ll let you go”.
The priest is the first to step forward, and tells the judge, “We weren’t gambling, because no money had changed hands yet”.
The judge decides that this is a good enough answer, and lets the man go…
The preacher goes next and says, “We weren’t gambling, because we hadn’t even dealt the cards yet”.
Again, the judge lets him go…
With just the rabbi left, the judge says, “And finally, can you give me a good reason why you weren’t gambling”?
The rabbi gestures around the courtroom, empty except for the two of them, and asks…
“With whom”?