Funny Joke: Elevator Scent
An elderly woman is riding in an elevator, on her way to a doctor’s appointment…
Suddenly, the elevator stops, and a beautiful young woman smelling of expensive perfume steps in…
She turns to the old woman and says arrogantly, “Giorgio Beverly Hills, $100 an ounce!”
On the next floor, another young, beautiful woman gets into the elevator…
She also smells of expensive perfume.
She arrogantly turns to the old woman and says, “Chanel No. 5, $150 an ounce!”
About three floors later, the old woman has reached her destination and is about to get off the elevator.
Before she leaves, she looks back at the women…
Passes gas…
And says, “Broccoli, 49 cents a pound!”
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September 29, 2023 @ 8:51 am
Good One!!