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One day, around noon, a fisherman is sitting on the docks, smoking his pipe next to his haul for the day…
A wealthy industrialist sees this and is positively confounded.
“Why aren’t you out fishing?” demands the industrialist to the fisherman.
“I have caught all the fish I need for the day,” said the fisherman.
“Why don’t you go catch more?”
“And why would I do that?” replied the fisherman.
“Why, if you caught more fish, you could get a better boat, go to deeper waters, catch more fish… “

“Soon you could have a fleet of fishing boats, all getting you fish to sell, you could be rich!”
The fisherman sits and ponders for a second.
Then he asks, “And why would I want that?”
The industrialist is astounded at the insolence of the fisherman and shouts…
“If you were rich, you could spend all day relaxing and doing whatever you want!”
The fisherman quickly shoots back…
“What the hell’s it look like I’m doing right now?”