Paddy and Murphy are sitting at a bar sipping their beers…
Murphy turns to Paddy and says, “So, I guess you made it home ok last night. I mean, you were pretty drunk when you left the bar.”
“Oh yeah,” says Paddy, ” I decided to leave my car here and take a bus home instead.”
“Where did you find a bus around here?” asks Murphy.
“Actually, I was so drunk that I can’t remember,” replies Paddy…
“But it’s a good thing I did because I passed a police checkpoint on the way home, and they were pulling over cars left and right and performing breathalyzer tests.”
“Well, I’m glad you made it home safely,” says Murphy.
“Yeah,” agrees Paddy, “It was a real surprise to me.”
Confused, Murphy asks, “Why are you surprised that you made it home safely if you took the bus?”