Funny Joke: Blonde Hare
A blonde is traveling with her friend down an old back road, when she slams on her breaks to miss a rabbit…
They both get out of the car to see a dead rabbit lying in the middle of the road.
The friend turns to the blonde, and says, “omg, you just killed that poor rabbit, what are we going to do?”
The blonde returns to her car to retrieve a spray can, then back to her friend that’s frantically crying about the rabbit…
She sprays the rabbit up and down with the spray can.
The rabbit miraculously gets up, runs 10 feet off the road and into a field…
The rabbit turns to look back at the blonde and waves at her.
The rabbit continues to run another 10 feet and again, turns back to wave at the blonde.
This continues for another 5 minutes, before the blonde’s friend turns and asks the blonde, “What is in that can?… ”
“I can’t believe what I’m seeing!”
The blonde replies, “I don’t know, but it says… ”
“Hair restorer with permanent wave!”
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May 21, 2023 @ 8:50 am
The person responsible for adding the subtitles does not know the difference between the words “brakes” and “breaks”. Ignorance and stupidity of simple grammar, punctuation, and spelling of words is still running rampant in the United States!