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A highway patrolman is patrolling a busy freeway, keeping an eye out for speeders and reckless drivers…
A highway patrolman is patrolling a busy freeway, keeping an eye out for speeders and reckless drivers…
Suddenly, he notices a car zooming past him, well above the speed limit.
He quickly accelerates, pulling alongside the speeding vehicle…
As he looks over, his eyes widen in disbelief…
Behind the wheel is a blonde woman, completely focused on her task – knitting!
The patrolman activates his flashing lights and siren, expecting the driver to pull over immediately…
But the woman doesn’t even glance in his direction, she is utterly oblivious to the chaos around her.
The patrolman can’t believe what he’s seeing…
He continues driving beside her with his lights on and his siren blaring, hoping to get her attention, but she remains unfazed.
Determined to get her to stop, he rolls down his window, grabs his bullhorn, and shouts, “PULL OVER!”
The blonde finally looks up from her knitting, with a confused expression on her face…
She seems to process his command for a moment, then shakes her head vigorously, “NO!” she yells back…