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It was a beautiful day outside, the kind of day that was perfect for celebrating a birthday…
George woke up feeling excited about the day ahead, eager to see what surprises his family and colleagues had in store for him.
He had always enjoyed his birthday, and he looked forward to spending the day surrounded by people who cared about him…
George got ready for the day ahead and walked into the kitchen, expecting to be greeted by his family with warm hugs and birthday wishes.
But to his surprise and disappointment, no one acknowledged his birthday at all…
Not his wife, not his kids.
George was taken aback by the silence, and he felt a knot form in his stomach.
Trying to shake off the feeling of disappointment, George completed his morning routine and headed off to work…
He had been working at the same office for many years, and he was looking forward to seeing his colleagues and sharing his special day with them.
But as he sat down at his desk, he realized that no one had remembered his birthday…

Not a single person had wished him a happy birthday, not even those he had worked with for many years.
Just as he was about to give up hope, his manager, Brenda, called him into her office…
George was surprised to hear her say, “Hi George, happy birthday!”
It was the first birthday wish he had received all day, and he was grateful for it…
Brenda then offered to take him out for lunch, and George readily accepted.
At the restaurant, they enjoyed a lovely lunch and shared many stories and laughs…
George was grateful to have someone to share his special day with, especially after the way his morning had gone.
As they finished their meal, Brenda asked George if he would like to come back to her place…
George had always found Brenda attractive, and he was feeling vulnerable after the disappointments of the day, so he happily obliged.
Once they arrived at Brenda’s apartment, she told George to make himself comfortable on the couch and said she would be back in a minute.
When she returned, she had a big chocolate birthday cake, and was accompanied by his wife, his kids, and all his colleagues…
As he sat naked on her couch.