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Frank is hard of hearing and recently bought a new hearing aid…
He is so happy with his new hearing aid that when he sees his friend Joe, he has to tell him about it.
Frank says, “Hey Joe, remember that old hearing aid I used to have?… “
“The one with the receiver in the shirt pocket?”
“Remember how I was always messing with it, trying to turn up the volume?… “
“Boy, I’ve got a new hearing aid that’s opened up a whole new world for me.”
“I’m hearing things I never heard before… “
“Everything is coming in loud and clear.”
“I got it for only $1,000 wholesale… “
“If the company that made this hearing aid wanted me to do a commercial for it, I’d do it, and they wouldn’t even have to pay me.”
“I can hear a pin drop on a carpet in the next room!”
Joe responds, “Well Frank, that sounds great! What kind is it?”
Frank looks at is watch and says…
“About 4:15!”

February 24, 2024 @ 10:55 pm
I see it was funny too !!