I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve lived in really cold, snowy places, & the ice, being only on certain sides, and totally absent on the other side and/or the back, even the top of the car, makes me think that these vehicles were hosed, or some other way to get so much ice on the car, and with weird, designs, but not covering the entire car, had to have been done manually.
I lived in the very tip of northern Idaho & we didn’t see pavement, for all the ice on the roads for nearly 9 months of the year, and like I said, NEVER did anything like that occur. Does it even happen like that in Alaska?
January 4, 2013 @ 4:58 am
Why is the guy doing a handstand in picture 5???
I agree with Liz – my car gets completely covered, not just on a couple of sides!
January 1, 2013 @ 2:15 am
I don’t know about anyone else, but I’ve lived in really cold, snowy places, & the ice, being only on certain sides, and totally absent on the other side and/or the back, even the top of the car, makes me think that these vehicles were hosed, or some other way to get so much ice on the car, and with weird, designs, but not covering the entire car, had to have been done manually.
I lived in the very tip of northern Idaho & we didn’t see pavement, for all the ice on the roads for nearly 9 months of the year, and like I said, NEVER did anything like that occur. Does it even happen like that in Alaska?