Friendly Fox Becomes a Household Pet
Story – There’s a new furry pal earning himself the name of Man’s Best Friend – Cropper the Fox.
Cropper is the perfect pet – friendly, loyal and he likes a cuddle. But Cropper is no typical man’s Best Friend, but a wild-born fox.
Six years ago Cropper was found outside a hairdressers shop in Kent, England. He was badly
injured after a fight with a dog. He had a disease called Toxoplasmosis that affected his memory. It can be deadly for foxes as it makes them incapable of surviving on their own in the wild. Fortunately, he was taken in by Mr Trowler who nursed him back to health and gained his trust.
Now Cropper behaves more like a domestic dog than a creature of the wild. He can often be seen taking long walks with Trowler — happy to trot at his heels or go on an extended leash when they get into town.
In a country where people often view foxes with suspicion, Trowler thinks Cropper can help people to understand and appreciate their counterparts in the wild. Trowler thinks their unique relationship is down to patience and trust over time?.
These are some of the rushes from the day’s shoot.
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April 29, 2021 @ 3:01 pm
Lovely thing Mr. Trowler has done. Just shows what boundaries can cross from wild to tame. Wishing them the best. His loving care shows what can be accomplished with love and care. May they be Blessed. Thanks for sharing this.
April 28, 2021 @ 6:49 pm
Good for Mr Trowler…….JohnSkirving
April 28, 2021 @ 12:01 pm
A wonderful man Mr. Trowler is. To take in a fox and to learn the where, what, when, who and why of a fox takes time and patience. I hope they have many happy and healthy years together.