Friendly Baby Elephant Seal
On an expedition to Antarctica with Cheesemans’ Ecology Safaris, the group stopped at Livingston Island where an adorable elephant seal pup came to say hello!
What did you think of the baby seal? Isn’t he just a cutie? Please tell us in the comment section below.
May 27, 2016 @ 11:29 pm
What an unforgettable experience for them wish I had been there I love nature
April 8, 2014 @ 4:24 pm
He was sooo cute! He was very curious, not seeing humans before. The parents were probably out swimming for fish. I wanted to reach out & pet him.
April 6, 2014 @ 10:10 am
Do seals bite? Those folks were sure trusting.
April 5, 2014 @ 9:11 pm
Wow, that is amazing how close the seal got to them. They should’ve rubbed it the seal. God’s amazing creation is wonderful. It is amazing how God created everything!