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  1. Grace Ann Cassese
    February 12, 2021 @ 3:33 pm

    Grew up in The Bronx (Kingsbridge)…played jacks, pottsy, Ring-a-Leavie O, Stick ball and many other games. Van Cortland Park was our Playground. It was the best of worlds.


  2. Shirley Regan
    February 10, 2021 @ 6:49 pm

    When I was in high school I worked part time at Zellers for 50cents an hour. Loved being in retail and thought I was rich. Funny how I took the bus to and from downtown even at night. Never ever worried about this kind of commute. Always remember the celebrations such as the Easter parade. Got new clothes and showed them off. Went to church every Sunday. Family was always most important. But singing along to the 50s music was one of my greatest joys and still is.


  3. MillieK
    February 9, 2021 @ 12:42 pm

    Hip, Hop was NOT the only kind of music in the fifties! There were some really nice “elevator type” selections penned during that day! I was a young mother during the fifties and I know all about ironing those shirts !!!!! As well as sheets and pillow cases! They were MUCH BETTER times, even if money was sometimes in short supply…. no drugs….politics was NOT the topic of the day…. Nobody was rioting in the streets…. very few ‘homeless’ and they were cared for by the Salvation Army. People believed in GOD …… those were wonderful times. —


    • Karin Smith Cote
      February 10, 2021 @ 1:08 pm

      You are right! It was a different world then! No political splits between friends/family, no riots, and we rarely heard of murders. There wasn’t much to watch on TV and we still enjoyed life.

      I loved the musicals with all the beautiful costumes and going to the movie theaters was great, and cheap entertainment! No stores were open on Sundays either. It was family and friends time after church.

      When I wonder WHY things are like they are today, I keep coming back to the fact that almost everyone went to church on Sundays!! After church, we had a big lunch together, and maybe we visited family. We had grandparents or cousins we visited, or other young married couples. It was a much more “simple” life style and people seemed happier!


  4. Patty P
    February 9, 2021 @ 8:27 am

    OMG I remember all of it. We had great times listening to the music and going to the hops. we used most of the products,etc
    wore the shoes, curled my hair, used makeup. Used the kitchen stuff, and did sewing. Love it.
    Were they better times??


  5. GaryH
    February 7, 2021 @ 10:42 pm

    The 50’s was the best time of my life I met the two real loves of my life in the 50’s and married one of them.


  6. bob
    February 7, 2021 @ 10:40 pm

    I remember mowing lawns up and down hills with a reel mover at age 10 and receiving 75 cents. Also caddying doubles for $2.50 and thinking I was getting rich. Loved the good old days, lets just call them pick and shovel days and good old work ethic. Feel sorry for today’s youth, especially when their smart phone fails.


  7. Carol
    February 7, 2021 @ 3:54 pm

    Enjoyed some of the music – But I don’t remember living in a World without Blacks. Maybe it’s the difference between TV Make Believe, and Real Life…


  8. Nancy Arendas
    February 7, 2021 @ 12:11 pm

    WOW, I really hate to admit this, but we still have quite a few items in our home. A lot of treasures to keep, and of course all of our records from way back when. This was really a great time to grow up in. Everything was good, simple, friends, and a lot of happy memories.


  9. Mary Kay Woodward
    February 7, 2021 @ 10:35 am

    Wish we could turn back the clock to those Good Old Days. Some really good memories from those years, good music, good friends, happy days.


  10. Eddie Bowman
    February 6, 2021 @ 9:23 pm

    Some wonderful memories from those years,great music and songs.My parents taught us to treat others as you would want to be treated and work hard at whatever job you had.


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