Theres a stretch of coast line near the West Australian Border just like that very dry, hardly any vegetation, very remote those cliffs are very high… enough for my sense of vertigo to get the better of me and not go near the edge… Its Not Recommended Anyhow… If you drive across the Nullarbor between South Australia and Western Australia there is a sign pointing off the highway to a lookout…. It Is an Amazing View….
August 15, 2011 @ 8:33 am
I belive it will,that day is coming.
August 12, 2011 @ 1:13 pm
I’ve heard that Calf. is going to break off and fall into the ocean. You think?
August 10, 2011 @ 3:17 pm
It is amazing. Whoever posted this photo, thankyou!
August 10, 2011 @ 2:21 am
Theres a stretch of coast line near the West Australian Border just like that very dry, hardly any vegetation, very remote those cliffs are very high… enough for my sense of vertigo to get the better of me and not go near the edge… Its Not Recommended Anyhow… If you drive across the Nullarbor between South Australia and Western Australia there is a sign pointing off the highway to a lookout…. It Is an Amazing View….
August 10, 2011 @ 12:59 am
were did evryone go,lol
August 9, 2011 @ 7:20 pm
Wow, it”s like the edge of the world!
August 9, 2011 @ 5:41 pm
August 9, 2011 @ 12:45 pm
bet there’s a cool breeze coming off the water.
August 9, 2011 @ 12:54 am
Creation is so amazing.