It is awfull falling down stairs. We must be very tough to survive them. I wonder, when others were close why no one helped much if at all. Most of all I hate stairs with no back to them.
Lina: Are you serious? These weren’t falls for the camera’s, these falls were accidental. And if you think differently, (and usually I try to be respectful and polite on here) you’re just plain stupid. These people, each and everyone of them got hurt I can guarantee you that. I hope that you never have the occasion to fall down the steps accidentally or otherwise. I have, and now, have had to have two new knee replacements. Very painful surgery. So don’t go judging a book by its cover especially in this video.
March 27, 2013 @ 12:32 am
It is awfull falling down stairs. We must be very tough to survive them. I wonder, when others were close why no one helped much if at all. Most of all I hate stairs with no back to them.
March 24, 2013 @ 11:30 pm
Lina: Are you serious? These weren’t falls for the camera’s, these falls were accidental. And if you think differently, (and usually I try to be respectful and polite on here) you’re just plain stupid. These people, each and everyone of them got hurt I can guarantee you that. I hope that you never have the occasion to fall down the steps accidentally or otherwise. I have, and now, have had to have two new knee replacements. Very painful surgery. So don’t go judging a book by its cover especially in this video.
March 24, 2013 @ 11:05 pm
Just plain stupid!!!!!