Just testing the tiles in the kitchen. My human said they’re cool to the touch in the summer time. BUT I had to check it out for myself, even if I did splat myself out here.
how did you get that way…what is the matter with you but you are not interest in me any more…you need help..and i mean real help where are your friends went you need them…what happen to us…now you dont me to come to see you…what is troubling you? you have a problem and you give in to it….you are going backwards..again..but you not a fighter…my partner that is very sick…he can handle it..and he has a bigger problem then you…i wont get involve with you…
January 6, 2015 @ 12:04 pm
You think you had a bad day……..!!
June 19, 2011 @ 10:27 am
Just testing the tiles in the kitchen. My human said they’re cool to the touch in the summer time. BUT I had to check it out for myself, even if I did splat myself out here.
June 18, 2011 @ 6:59 pm
…to rosecocca…very smart move…you certainly don’t want to get involved with them…roflmao…
June 18, 2011 @ 4:10 pm
how did you get that way…what is the matter with you but you are not interest in me any more…you need help..and i mean real help where are your friends went you need them…what happen to us…now you dont me to come to see you…what is troubling you? you have a problem and you give in to it….you are going backwards..again..but you not a fighter…my partner that is very sick…he can handle it..and he has a bigger problem then you…i wont get involve with you…
June 18, 2011 @ 12:44 pm
Dog days of summer.
June 18, 2011 @ 12:40 pm
just too pooped to go further!!!