English Is Crazy Poem
If English is not your first language, you’d be surprised at how confusing it really is. This video by Mitchell Moffit is of a poem that demonstrates just how complicated English is. It was inspired by “Crazy English” by Richard Lederer and “The English Lesson” by Richard Krogh.
What did you think of the poem? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
May 11, 2019 @ 4:36 am
Wow! I learned this when I was in the 3rd grade, way back in 1981..
May 2, 2014 @ 9:19 pm
This poem only scratches the surface of confusion in our lovely language. Then throw in punctuation and there is a whole other conundrum.
April 14, 2014 @ 2:14 pm
This was great and he is right. The English is tricky. He made some good points why is there some words spelled different when they have the same letters. Words I don’t understand are the plural forms for: fish = fish, goose = geese <– which could be gooses, life = lives <– which is another that could be lifes, because lives can be two different words. live = lives, living, lived. These are some words that I never understood the reason for the spellings. A great and educational video!