His real momma wouldn’t make him run so fast! Baby ducks are alot of fun. We had one that hadn’t hatched when the 18 others started taking off with their mom, so we brought the egg indoors and he hatched, bonding with humans. He really thought he WAS human, and one day I showed him a mirror and he got scared and ran away, peeping at the top of his little “lungs”! Even after growing up, he still thought he belonged inside. My mom even tried to fit him with a “diaper” and rubber pants – didn’t work, so he had to be exiled to the great outdoors! They make great pets!
August 16, 2012 @ 7:53 am
Such a little cutie!! I never knew they would follow a person like that – especialy the running part. He must realy trust that guy!!
June 22, 2012 @ 2:55 am
That was so cute! I wanted to watch more of it, when it abruptly stopped. Such a cute furry little fella!
June 21, 2012 @ 6:30 pm
His real momma wouldn’t make him run so fast! Baby ducks are alot of fun. We had one that hadn’t hatched when the 18 others started taking off with their mom, so we brought the egg indoors and he hatched, bonding with humans. He really thought he WAS human, and one day I showed him a mirror and he got scared and ran away, peeping at the top of his little “lungs”! Even after growing up, he still thought he belonged inside. My mom even tried to fit him with a “diaper” and rubber pants – didn’t work, so he had to be exiled to the great outdoors! They make great pets!
June 20, 2012 @ 11:44 pm
I think he won!
June 19, 2012 @ 12:13 pm
Cute and quick little duckling … someone needs to tell it that those hairy legs are not momma …
June 19, 2012 @ 11:08 am
I’m just a baby duckling. Why are you running away from me? I’m not going to hurt you, i just want to play. Geez!