Drunk Squirrel 2
A squirrel in a Minneapolis neighborhood was caught eating a family’s pumpkins. The only problem is that they were fermented. Fermentation is how alcohol is made. Needless to say, this squirrel got drunk. Don’t worry though, the author said that the squirrel was fine the next day.
What did you think of the drunk squirrel? Please share your thoughts with us in the comment section below.
July 15, 2014 @ 7:40 am
I do believe a troll has made a derogatory comment here. So good people…REMEMBER…DO NOT FEED THE TROLLS!
July 15, 2014 @ 10:38 am
How does one identify a troll? Perhaps the absence of punctuation is a good clue.
July 15, 2014 @ 11:02 am
Ruby…A troll is internet slang for a person who sows discord by starting an argument or by upsetting people by posting inflammatory comments in an online community with deliberate intent of provoking readers into an emotional response.
So basically you just ignore them rather than responding and that is where the term “don’t feed the trolls” comes from.
People who make these rude comments are miserably unhappy and like nothing better for you to be just as unhappy as they are. Please note the last comment made above mine.
July 15, 2014 @ 11:02 pm
Thanks for the edification. Can only be provoked by choice …
July 15, 2014 @ 11:12 pm
You’re welcome. It’s one thing to voice your own opinion, but it’s another thing to slander someone else for voicing theirs. 🙂
July 15, 2014 @ 7:24 am
some people find it entertaining to see others in distress myself I find it in very poor taste and the ones that call it entertaining are probably bored and have mental problems this should be removed all u retards go have yourself a beer and laugh at how stupid u are
July 14, 2014 @ 10:16 pm
Would have thought the squirrel would instinctively know it was poison. Ali had the best response.
July 14, 2014 @ 7:31 pm
Sad and funny at the same time!!! Vertigo (medical) is terrible and can’t understand why people would deliberately bring on “drunk feelings” to themselves. It’s sad that this little animal accidently gets drunk. Hope it didn’t last too long.
July 14, 2014 @ 6:17 pm
Theresa you’re taking this much too personally, lighten up. It’s a wild animal and it got into something it probably shouldn’t have but that’s nature. One shouldn’t try to pick it up, it would have bitten you and here come the rabies. Like the humans, it just had to weather out the effects.
July 14, 2014 @ 5:48 pm
I do believe he was feeling a bit squirrelly.
July 14, 2014 @ 12:35 pm
Feel so bad for the poor little guy. Not funny
July 14, 2014 @ 12:03 pm
I felt like I needed to pick him up and love him like a baby
July 14, 2014 @ 11:59 am
Looks like the squirrel had too much to drink. I sure to the squirrel everything looks like it is spinning around in circles. A squirrel hang over. Lol!