@Ruby-Oh sure. I just mentioned that to answer your question. I know Rowling is writing an adult novel. Speaking of adult novels, have you heard of this book in a series, Fifty Shades of Gray? Universal pictures has bought the rights and will soon be casting the film. If the first one flies, it will make the two companion books. All highly sexy.
Yes, I’m aware of “50 Shades of Grey” and thinking I might read it to see what all the controversy is about. If they can make a movie out of “Exit to Eden” by Anne Rampling, then I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they make a movie out of 50.
May 30, 2012 @ 7:45 pm
@Ruby-Oh sure. I just mentioned that to answer your question. I know Rowling is writing an adult novel. Speaking of adult novels, have you heard of this book in a series, Fifty Shades of Gray? Universal pictures has bought the rights and will soon be casting the film. If the first one flies, it will make the two companion books. All highly sexy.
May 31, 2012 @ 1:14 am
Yes, I’m aware of “50 Shades of Grey” and thinking I might read it to see what all the controversy is about. If they can make a movie out of “Exit to Eden” by Anne Rampling, then I wouldn’t be at all surprised if they make a movie out of 50.