Debussy “Clair de Lune” on Piano for 80 Year Old Elephant
Debussy “Clair de Lune” for a gentle female elephant called Ampan. Ampan is 80 years old and lives with us as Elephants World in Thailand. She is blind in one eye and can barely see with the other. 80 years old is very old indeed for an elephant, it’s about 10 years past the natural life span of an elephant in the wild. What did you think? Please leave a comment in the section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
August 13, 2022 @ 9:02 pm
This is lovely, wise man and knows what the elephant likes. It was Beautiful!! Likely I will watch again. Thank you for sharing this wonderful scene.
August 13, 2022 @ 12:14 pm
Very gratifying, Nice to see and hear someone caring for an old Elephant, i am old as well !
August 13, 2022 @ 10:07 am
I’m almost the age of that elephant, but I’m sure she has a much better memory than I do!…but that song on piano (where else?!) definitely brought back memories of when I was a little girl and my Mom would play this song on our living room piano…”by ear!” Some things you just NEVER forget!
Thanks for posting!