One Christmas Eve, a frenzied young man ran into a pet shop looking for an unusual Christmas gift for his wife.
The shop owner suggested a parrot, named Chet, which could sing famous Christmas carols.
This seemed like the perfect gift. “How do I get him to sing?” The young man asked, excitedly.
“Simply hold a lighted match directly under his feet.” was the shop owner’s reply.
The shop owner did this and Chet began to sing: “Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells! …”
The shop owner then held another match under the parrot’s right foot. Then Chet’s tune changed, and the air was filled with: ” Silent Night. Holy Night…”
The young man was so impressed that he paid the shop-keeper and ran home as quickly as he could with Chet under his arm.
When the wife saw her gift she was overwhelmed. “How beautiful!” She exclaimed, “Can he talk?” “No,” the young man replied, “But he can sing. Let me show you.”
So the young man whipped out his lighter and placed it under Chet’s left foot, as the shop-keeper had shown him, and Chet crooned: “Jingle Bells! Jingle Bells!…”
The man then moved the lighter to Chet’s right foot, and out came: “Silent Night. Holy Night…”
The wife, her face filled with curiosity, then asked, “What if we hold the lighter between his legs?”
The man did not know. “Let’s try it.” He answered, eager to please his wife.
So they held the lighter between Chet’s legs.
Chet twisted his face, cleared his throat, the little parrot sang out loudly (like it was the performance of his life): “Chet’s nuts roasting on an open fire….”
April 18, 2012 @ 6:06 am
@Iamkasuwell Not a rap fan, but well, I think? you’ve got a good vibe, and artists’ve gotta help each other out, good luck.
December 11, 2011 @ 7:07 pm
well, after that, what can u say?
December 11, 2011 @ 11:51 am
I’ve heard this one several years ago.
December 11, 2011 @ 10:44 am
make that humor — fingers off home base a bit to the left
December 11, 2011 @ 10:43 am
Agree with you all …….. must be a slow day on the hynor highway.
December 13, 2010 @ 6:08 am
oh, poor parot
December 13, 2010 @ 2:46 am
I think this one is circulating from the very first Christmas
December 12, 2010 @ 8:22 pm
Me too.
December 11, 2010 @ 12:03 pm
Saw that one coming from a mile away