Saw one like this on the freeway one morning. Three car wreck with one going airborne enough to pancake on another sliding just far enough off the top to hit the one in front of it all. Never did figure how he went airborne-no curb to hit, no slope to come off of, just started flying and came down on top of the poor schmuck in front of him. Cop standing there looking at it with a mystified look on his face and scratching his head. You know he’s thinking WTH? How am I going to write this one up that they won’t think I’m drunk?
January 1, 2012 @ 6:19 pm
please dont say that!:0
December 22, 2011 @ 3:30 pm
Saw one like this on the freeway one morning. Three car wreck with one going airborne enough to pancake on another sliding just far enough off the top to hit the one in front of it all. Never did figure how he went airborne-no curb to hit, no slope to come off of, just started flying and came down on top of the poor schmuck in front of him. Cop standing there looking at it with a mystified look on his face and scratching his head. You know he’s thinking WTH? How am I going to write this one up that they won’t think I’m drunk?