Raymond October 19, 2012 @ 12:29 pm
Somebody made a wrong turn.
Margaret August 23, 2010 @ 11:59 pm
9 out of 10 blondes are bleached blondes. Bleached blondes are dumb. Natural blondes have some smarts.
Bev August 23, 2010 @ 8:23 pm
I know a lot of blondes that are quite smart.
Tina August 22, 2010 @ 9:15 pm
9 out of 10 blondes ARE dumb, I haven’t come across one who ISN”t dumb!!
meza August 22, 2010 @ 12:50 am
Looks like some one tried to take a short cut out of the multi story Car park!!!!!!!
teabag August 21, 2010 @ 4:05 pm
hey not all blondes are stupid though. Some blondes are smarter then the average person
tim August 20, 2010 @ 9:35 pm
was the driver blonde?if so how did she get her licence.
miche August 20, 2010 @ 8:03 pm
…looks like they changed clothes from the yellow/black to white… …(the crash dummies…get it?)…
lovey August 20, 2010 @ 5:38 pm
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October 19, 2012 @ 12:29 pm
Somebody made a wrong turn.
August 23, 2010 @ 11:59 pm
9 out of 10 blondes are bleached blondes. Bleached blondes are dumb. Natural blondes have some smarts.
August 23, 2010 @ 8:23 pm
I know a lot of blondes that are quite smart.
August 22, 2010 @ 9:15 pm
9 out of 10 blondes ARE dumb, I haven’t come across one who ISN”t dumb!!
August 22, 2010 @ 12:50 am
Looks like some one tried to take a short cut out of the multi story Car park!!!!!!!
August 21, 2010 @ 4:05 pm
hey not all blondes are stupid though. Some blondes are smarter then the average person
August 20, 2010 @ 9:35 pm
was the driver blonde?if so how did she get her licence.
August 20, 2010 @ 8:03 pm
…looks like they changed clothes from the yellow/black to white…
…(the crash dummies…get it?)…
August 20, 2010 @ 5:38 pm