Bobcat and Fawn
A wildfire in Santa Barbara, California, in June 2009 helped forge some unlikely bonds. Rescued from the Jesusita Fire, a three-week old bobcat kitten and three-day old fawn became fast friends. The animal rescue in California brought predator and prey together. But these babies simply took comfort in each other’s company, snuggling under a desk at a dispatch office for hours.
The bobcat and fawn would not normally be placed together, due to regulations, but the rescuers had no choice. They snagged the bobcat kitten first, finding it dehydrated and near death. Later, they brought in the fawn and discovered they didn’t have a crate large enough for it. No matter – the kitten ran right over to the fawn, and the two became fast friends.
Thanks to the tireless dedication of volunteer efforts of the Animal Rescue Team, and the Santa Barbara Wildlife Care Network, these two animals, and many others were rescued from the destructive Jesusita fire.
November 23, 2010 @ 11:43 am
@Wanda, that would be most wonderful, maybe it has begun here. God has a strange but beautiful way of doing things.
November 23, 2010 @ 11:29 am
One day the lion will lay down with the lamb.
there will be no more strife. Wont that be wonderful?
November 23, 2010 @ 10:39 am
isn’t it amazing the innocence of the young ones! As they grow older they become infected with the wickedness of the adult life they learn to kill others in order to survive, rob so as to have etc. it becomes survival of the fitest in stead of live and let live.
November 23, 2010 @ 10:36 am
the fawn looks mighty mean
November 23, 2010 @ 10:18 am
awww how sweet! what cuties!
November 22, 2010 @ 10:49 pm
Poor babies That’s a beautiful picture.
November 22, 2010 @ 11:08 am
Because young animals, like people, grow up and that messes up everything. LOL
November 21, 2010 @ 1:53 pm
If young animals ( who don’t know better) can do WHY not people?????
November 21, 2010 @ 7:23 am
You gotta admit it. It is pretty funny the deer has no idea that the little guy could one day be hunting him one day.
November 20, 2010 @ 11:44 pm
Poor babies. Wonder if their mamas made it out of the