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  1. ella culp
    May 19, 2014 @ 7:22 pm

    wow is all I can say!


  2. Billie Jean McMillan
    May 17, 2014 @ 11:28 am

    You have a gift for talent. Keep it up country boy. You will make it big some day in your life. I’m proud to see a young boy like you taking an interest in country music. Good luck and God bless you.


  3. Richard Quesnel
    May 15, 2014 @ 6:34 pm

    I think they have very good talent on American Idol & America has talent, but I haven’t as yet seen such a talented 10 year old as you I enjoyed your performance so very much thank-you Carson you are awesome and hope to see a lot more of you in the future. from Richard who live in Nova Scotia Canada.


  4. Dean Souder
    May 14, 2014 @ 9:24 pm

    Michigan loves you too, Carson. You were excellent!


  5. mary bare
    May 14, 2014 @ 7:03 pm

    keep it up carson, u may end up on Americas got talent and u sure have it..


  6. Evelyn Marcellino
    May 14, 2014 @ 9:37 am

    God bless you Carson.!! That’s awesome.


  7. Joyce
    May 14, 2014 @ 3:00 am

    This young man has brought tears to my eyes with such talent. AWESOME!!!! I don’t even like Bill Monroe or Bluegrass Music and I am SPELLBOUND!!! I live about 60 miles from him and use to live about 10 miles from him but didn’t know about him. Don’t know how I haven’t heard of him because I know many Bands and Musicians in the Country Music World. I would definitely go see him even though he is Bluegrass because he is great!!!! Think I might be a “convert”. HA!! GOOD LUCK CARSON PETERS!!!!!! The Music World will see much of Carson and his rise to great fame!!!


  8. Peggy
    May 13, 2014 @ 6:30 pm



  9. Elizabeth M. Wright
    May 13, 2014 @ 1:35 pm

    A bright and shining star this Carson is… He will go places with his talents… Good luck young one… I am routing
    for you all the way… Great video…. charming…


  10. Sandra Lei Schwarz
    May 13, 2014 @ 10:29 am

    Awesome…..such a young talent, keep it up Carson. God Bless You!!!!!


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