gillesmt February 4, 2010 @ 4:19 pm
Nice piece of ass maybe?
obi January 12, 2010 @ 3:36 pm
A mouth full of ass a day keeps the BLUE BALLS away. Nice one, Bet its part of some KING OF THE JUNGLE LESSON 101 in DOMINANCE
millie January 9, 2010 @ 7:25 am
looks like balls to me
John January 8, 2010 @ 8:06 pm
I like it.Thats how a man must bite his queen ass and buns.WE all learn from those creatures.Just watch out she could fart on your face.Hahahhahaah
Rong Way January 8, 2010 @ 5:53 pm
Dream on !! This might just be one of those deeds that turns around and bites you in the ass.
Rong Way January 8, 2010 @ 5:39 pm
For some boys, there’s nothing like a mouth full of pussy.
IDGARA January 8, 2010 @ 12:12 pm
Ummmm …. to the 3 of you …. WHO CARES what sex these creatures are. It is a cute picture
John January 8, 2010 @ 11:17 am
Ummm!!! beg to differ with you Big Al….. You better look closer at the rear one. there’s BALLS on that one. It’s a young male.
Big Al January 8, 2010 @ 5:28 am
ummm jean…they’re both female lions…. what really happened is the front one was in a bad mood and said”bite me!’ so the other one said” ok, if you insist…”
Jean January 7, 2010 @ 10:50 pm
Little love nibble. How sweet!
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February 4, 2010 @ 4:19 pm
Nice piece of ass maybe?
January 12, 2010 @ 3:36 pm
A mouth full of ass a day keeps the BLUE BALLS away. Nice one, Bet its part of some KING OF THE JUNGLE LESSON 101 in DOMINANCE
January 9, 2010 @ 7:25 am
looks like balls to me
January 8, 2010 @ 8:06 pm
I like it.Thats how a man must bite his queen ass and buns.WE all learn from those creatures.Just watch out she could fart on your face.Hahahhahaah
January 8, 2010 @ 5:53 pm
Dream on !! This might just be one of those deeds that turns around and bites you in the ass.
January 8, 2010 @ 5:39 pm
For some boys, there’s nothing like a mouth full of pussy.
January 8, 2010 @ 12:12 pm
Ummmm …. to the 3 of you …. WHO CARES what sex these creatures are. It is a cute picture
January 8, 2010 @ 11:17 am
Ummm!!! beg to differ with you Big Al….. You better look closer at the rear one. there’s BALLS on that one. It’s a young male.
January 8, 2010 @ 5:28 am
ummm jean…they’re both female lions…. what really happened is the front one was in a bad mood and said”bite me!’ so the other one said” ok, if you insist…”
January 7, 2010 @ 10:50 pm
Little love nibble. How sweet!