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  1. Lola
    April 4, 2012 @ 8:33 am

    Good Morning Love: In answer to your question, I think I might have mis -leaad you. I only have two labs. But they are mixed. The are both two lab/chow/miniature collies all in one. And then I have two domesticated cats. The dogs were at the shelter and I adopted both of them. The cats were strays, which I took in from either the freezing cold, or the intense heat. Can’t remember as they are old cats now. And yes, all of my animals are indoor animals. However, I let them out on my deck outside my bedroom to enjoy the fresh air and sun. We do take them to the park when the opportunity arises. They are well trained, except, when they see something moving like a bird, firefly, etc., they want to chase it with me in tow…lol. But they are trained for sign language (I just wanted to train them for that in case of emergency, which has come in handy, but their basis training is like how everyone else train their pets.) I trained them for sign because if I fall, or can’t speak due to a bad cold etc., they know what I need. So, in answer to your question I have a total of four animals. Two cats, two dogs.

    To Suzanna, I’m going to try and text the videos to my e-mail address. And then ask around about what do I do next. I appreciate your input on this piece of information. It will be fun to show everyone what tricks they can do. Did I mention in any of my comments that if I have a treat right up to their noses all I have to do is say:
    “LEAVE IT” and they’ll turn their heads off to the side, and this can go on forever without them touching the treat. (They don’t want to be tempted), but it’s funny to see their eyes just waiting to see how long it’ll be before I let them have the treat. My friends are amazed by their patience. I love all animals, and would never do any harm to any animal. These dogs are very special to me, and very lovable. Thank you both for asking about them. I’ll keep you posted. Have a beautiful day!


  2. Love
    April 4, 2012 @ 4:18 am

    Lola, labs are very smart dogs. Chows are good dogs as well, just have to keep strangers or kids away. I guess it depends how you raised them. You have a lot of dogs. Are they indoor dogs?


  3. Suzanna
    April 4, 2012 @ 2:56 am

    Lola, you can text the videos to your email address–but honestly after that I don’t know what to do–ADMINISTRATOR PERHAPS YOU COULD ADVISE US ON THIS?!


  4. Lola
    April 3, 2012 @ 7:27 am

    I meant to say my friends think that my dogs are amazing. I’m having trouble seeing the computer this a.m. due to high sunlight on the screen.


  5. Lola
    April 3, 2012 @ 7:26 am

    To Love, I have two lab/chow/miniature collies that I got out of the shelter. Both of them are brothers and will be 4 yrs old in June. I taught them sign language as well, but they speak regularly.

    To Suzanna, yes I do have a cell phone with a camera and video. But until I get it going (I’m slow in punching in the camera part, it’s not a fancy cell phone so…) but I do have them on the cell phone camera saying and doing things, just don’t know how to get it on here. My friends that my dogs are amazing, especially with how I trained them.

    To both of you, thanks for asking. They’re my sweet babies!


  6. Suzanna
    April 3, 2012 @ 1:15 am

    Lola do you have a cell phone with a camera? Most of them have video on them now


  7. Lola
    April 2, 2012 @ 8:11 pm

    Animals do have a way of talking to each other. I have two dogs and two cats, and I only wish at times that I had a video…Yes Love, dogs do speak to each other…at least mine do. My one dog, when he wants to get my attention for food or to go out will say “Mama” and by the look I get, I know immediately what he wants. And when the two dogs and two cats start chatting, there is no stopping them. Geez!!!!!!!!! Sweet video


    • Love
      April 3, 2012 @ 4:35 am

      Wow, that’s amazing! What kind of dogs do you have?


  8. Love
    April 2, 2012 @ 4:47 pm

    Wow, now that was very impressive and amazing! I think birds are the only species that speak like humans. It would be cool if dogs could speak like that too. This is a great video and I enjoyed watching it. Are these Parrots?


  9. Ruby
    April 2, 2012 @ 1:43 pm

    Pretty birds … polly wanna kiss?


  10. Taste Crazy
    April 2, 2012 @ 12:11 pm

    That was precious and cute.. I wonder what they were really saying? lol


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