Thank goodness THAT wasn’t the truck that jumped the barrier in Oregon, and injured 3 people. That monster would have killed a whole bunch more. I don’t get what the “purpose” of having something that it would take a crane to get in or out of. Must be a male thing, as in big ego, need filler?!?!
September 11, 2012 @ 1:57 am
Thank goodness THAT wasn’t the truck that jumped the barrier in Oregon, and injured 3 people. That monster would have killed a whole bunch more. I don’t get what the “purpose” of having something that it would take a crane to get in or out of. Must be a male thing, as in big ego, need filler?!?!
September 10, 2012 @ 4:40 pm
A giants’ only truck.
September 10, 2012 @ 4:06 pm
Now that is what I call a “BIG TRUCK”.