Bear Stuck in a Bucket
These brave people rescued a bear with its head stuck in a bucket. You have to see this! What did you think about this video? Please let us know in the comment section below and remember to share the video and sign up for our free newsletter!
May 4, 2017 @ 5:59 am
Congratulations to the People helping that Bear. This is so thoughtful and I am so proud of you !
This is what should be in the news – because it is worthwhile to thank these good men !
April 20, 2017 @ 4:32 pm
Am thinking … one ‘beary happy bear’!! How heart-warming!! (Duz being a li’l “crazy” help?? J/K!) When the folks care ‘n do so-oo much for God’s 4-legged creation(s), they must really be special in caring for God’s people as well. May He especially bless them – ‘good ‘n big’!
April 4, 2017 @ 3:34 am
God Bless the people who rescued this poor Bear. It is wonderful to know that they cared enough to do this. Our animals need us in every way.
June 7, 2017 @ 9:31 pm
Wowza, problem solved like it never haepnped.
April 2, 2017 @ 10:04 pm
What a wonderful group of kind, caring people. Thank you so much for helping this bear!
April 1, 2017 @ 11:25 am
That is a great job and a blessing. I’m sure this made God smile. God bless them.
April 1, 2017 @ 11:23 am
My Heroes !! Good for you ! Proud to know there are people like you guys/ gals around.
April 1, 2017 @ 10:19 am
Great video! Thanks to everybody who participated.
June 7, 2017 @ 9:02 pm
Superior thinking dearsntomted above. Thanks!
April 1, 2017 @ 9:30 am
Brave souls. Sad to think of the garbage that our animals get into that could be their deaths. So thrilled these people stuck to getting the job done.
June 7, 2017 @ 10:22 pm
At last! Someone with real exstierpe gives us the answer. Thanks!
April 1, 2017 @ 9:23 am
I am so glad there are people like this around. That poor animal would have died of thirst or starvation if these good folks did not show up and expend a lot of time and effort to rescue him.
June 7, 2017 @ 9:17 pm
That’s the peferct insight in a thread like this.
May 28, 2019 @ 8:02 am
If not hit by a car!!!!
April 1, 2017 @ 9:13 am
Love those animal rescue stories. It’s amazing what some people will do to save an animal, putting themselves into danger just to save that animals who’s in distress. These are truly good people.
June 7, 2017 @ 11:04 pm
That’s really thninikg out of the box. Thanks!