Oh I’m sure they were fired, sued, and arrested for their anger. This was the scariest video that I have seen on this site. However, this did happen to me at my job, when I was a receptionist that had over 100 phone lines that had to be answered. Something happened to the equipment and all hell broke loose with the phones, ringing throughout the building and I couldn’t get all the calls. One of the head Supervisors came down, jumped the fence that was around my cubicle and pulled out the entire switchboard, through my chair through the wall, and started coming after me. I screamed with every ounce of my being, and the men had to grab him and take him down to the floor. Needless to say, its a day I’ll never forget.
For these people throwing temper tantrums like above, it brought back scary memories for me…..hey guys take a few valium and some other drug to calm the nerves. I sure as hell wouldn’t stay around and watch what was going on. I would have called security and the police and gotten out of the line of fire!!! Whew, no more comment on this issue from me.
Darlene, I agree this is just plain stupid. If it is really true, these people certainly need to attend an anger management class or better yet be fired.
Randy G
December 4, 2011 @ 12:16 pm
No doubt, They are the ones put in charge & running the office.
December 4, 2011 @ 10:43 am
Well I am glad that atleast one other than I think it is stupid. Thanks Mare
December 3, 2011 @ 11:05 pm
its so funny and look crazy.maybe he has a problem at home with her wife…..lol.
December 3, 2011 @ 10:08 pm
Yes Tanya it is hilarious,
I am still laughing , if someone can be so uncontrolled,
he should work in a coalmine, not on Computer,
December 3, 2011 @ 8:58 pm
Hahaha, thats hilarious!!!
December 3, 2011 @ 8:18 pm
Someone didn’t take their meds …
December 3, 2011 @ 5:43 pm
Oh I’m sure they were fired, sued, and arrested for their anger. This was the scariest video that I have seen on this site. However, this did happen to me at my job, when I was a receptionist that had over 100 phone lines that had to be answered. Something happened to the equipment and all hell broke loose with the phones, ringing throughout the building and I couldn’t get all the calls. One of the head Supervisors came down, jumped the fence that was around my cubicle and pulled out the entire switchboard, through my chair through the wall, and started coming after me. I screamed with every ounce of my being, and the men had to grab him and take him down to the floor. Needless to say, its a day I’ll never forget.
For these people throwing temper tantrums like above, it brought back scary memories for me…..hey guys take a few valium and some other drug to calm the nerves. I sure as hell wouldn’t stay around and watch what was going on. I would have called security and the police and gotten out of the line of fire!!! Whew, no more comment on this issue from me.
December 3, 2011 @ 3:46 pm
Darlene, I agree this is just plain stupid. If it is really true, these people certainly need to attend an anger management class or better yet be fired.
December 3, 2011 @ 1:56 pm
This is just plain stupid
December 2, 2011 @ 11:08 pm
Holy cow! That’s what could certainly be called high anxiety. Glad we never had any of that in our office.