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  1. COL Bob
    April 15, 2017 @ 6:51 pm

    She has the most fascinating magic act I’ve ever seen. And her ballet is also great. In addition, she is a beautiful and charming young lady. Some of the finest moments I’ve watched in any medium. I was thrilled!!


  2. Joy Remata
    July 2, 2015 @ 7:35 am

    I was entertained after my busy day… thanks.


  3. Sandi
    August 16, 2014 @ 3:32 am

    What a beautiful, stunning, fascinating performance! I find her talent unique, captivating, almost mesmerizing. How can we find out if she won this talent competition? Such a pleasing, awesome five minutes.


  4. Nikita63
    August 14, 2014 @ 1:42 pm

    I am nearly 70 and have seen a lot of “Magic,” acts in my time, some of them really quite good but, NEVER have I seen anything so polished and riveting as this performer’s act!. Bravo and all the kudos in the world to her. Whatever competition she was contesting in I personally, can see no way she could not have won the competition, so unusual was it by it’s very nature and so pristine a performance was it; a consummate performance by any standard and: it was plainly as mystifying to the judges as it was to the audience as evinced by their totally incredulous reactions to her playful chicanery which was both entertaining and utterly mystifying , leaving everyone of one mind: HOW’D SHE DO, THAT !? AND, TO DO HER TRICKERY WHILE GRACEFULLY PERFORMING BALLET IS UNHEARD OF! I THINK HER ACT MUST BE UNIQUE!


  5. Joy
    August 13, 2014 @ 1:35 am

    What an amazing talent this young lady has! She was absolutely awesome!


  6. Ruby
    August 1, 2014 @ 1:36 pm

    I hope she won !!


  7. Love
    August 1, 2014 @ 11:48 am

    WOW!! This is unbelievable. The card floating around in a circle and the flags, left me speechless. Also, that’s Jet Li sitting at the table. Amazing talent!


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