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An elderly couple were having dinner at another couple’s house and after their meal, the wives left the table to go to the kitchen.
The two elderly gents were talking, and one says: “Last night we went out to a fabulous new restaurant. I’d highly recommend.”
The other man says: “What’s the name of the restaurant?”
The first man thinks long and hard with a furrowed brow, finally saying: “Ah, what is the name of that red flower you give to someone you love?”
His friend replies: “A carnation?” “No, no. The other one,” the man says.
His friend suggest “The poppy?”
No, no, no” growls the man.
“You know – the one that is red and has thorns.”
His friend says: “Do you mean a rose?”
“Yes! Thank you!” the first man says. He then turns toward the kitchen and yells: “Rose, what’s the name of that restaurant we went to last night?”
May 22, 2014 @ 5:31 pm
what is wrong with some of u ladies? its just a joke for petes sake
December 15, 2011 @ 1:37 am
Funny, Even Though I Have Seen This One Before. Meza’s Story Was Real Funny Too.
December 15, 2011 @ 1:36 am
Funny, Even Though I Have Seen This One Before.
December 14, 2011 @ 6:01 pm
Talk about memory trick? How did we get back to 2010?
February 5, 2013 @ 4:35 pm
im in 2013!lol
December 14, 2011 @ 6:00 pm
I like Meza’s story better than the joke.
December 14, 2011 @ 5:37 pm
My uncle accidently called my aunt by the wrong name as she was cooking his breakfast in an iron skillet. Have you ever seen a bump on the head with a blister on it?
December 14, 2011 @ 2:44 pm
I love it. Rather he forget my name instead of calling me by another women’s name or some curse word name.
February 3, 2010 @ 6:29 pm
um, um
February 2, 2010 @ 1:29 pm
Yeah! They say memory is the second thing to go. Joke LOL
February 2, 2010 @ 11:05 am