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  1. Austin
    February 23, 2018 @ 11:34 am

    I carry a tool in in the front seat of my car. One end is a hammer with a point on it and the other is a blade in the handle. The hammer is to break the window in an emergency and blade is to cut the seatbelt. It’s not a real expensive item and I think everyone should have one. With todays cars if you lose power you may not be able to unlock the doors or open a window. I know a guy who lost all power on a hot day and couldn’t get out of the car. Luckily some people were near by and saw him signaling and they broke a window.


  2. Juceila
    November 10, 2015 @ 10:29 pm

    I’ve tried the hackI’ve experiencing dark gaoadtirn from top of my image.Have you ever experiencing this?Been using max flash output, for longest duration. And I’ve tried several combination of flash power; to find out the flash duration effect related to the dark gaoadtirn. Doesn’t get any different.Haven’t got the clear answer still.Any tips would be appreciatedThanks


  3. Fern
    April 21, 2015 @ 4:03 pm

    Next call should be to personal trainer. Poor trainer, he is so recalcitrant it works be a challenge!! Leave mom home.


  4. Love
    April 19, 2015 @ 3:58 pm

    This is funny and not funny, but they had me laughing any way. How did they put the seat belt on. (0:57) his stomach got a little flatter. Glad they were able to get him out of the seat belt, looked dangerous. This reminds me of my grand parents.

    My grand parents just got a new house alarm system and they do not know their pin code. My grand dad was hurrying to take the trash out to catch the garbage man one early morning. He forgot the house alarm was on. He ran out the front door with the trash, setting the house alarm off. My grandma was trying to sleep and woke up in fear thinking someone had broke into the house. After a few seconds, she realized my grand dad had just went out the front door to take the trash out. She got up out of bed to try to cut off the alarm by pressing one of the buttons on the box, thinking that would cut off the alarm sound. There is a green and blue button on the box. She thought green button was for turning alarm on and the blue button for turning it off. So, she pressed the blue button fast as she could. She noticed that did not stop the sound, while looking around in panic she and then there was a voice that came out of the box, that scared her. They asked her was she the owner of the house and did she have the 4 digit pin code to cut off the alarm. She told them she doesn’t have no pin code, all she want is for them to cut off the alarm sound. So, she hurry to get my grand dad attention about the alarm going off in the house. When she looked out the front door she noticed he was surrounded by police, verifying who he was to them. Thank God the police let him go and they were able to get the alarm turned off. Lol


  5. Running Doe
    April 18, 2015 @ 11:40 am

    this is kind of funny


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