Those were terrific chocolate reproductions of tools. Beings my man has been gone for thrity years to heaven, don’t have someone to give them to now. He was a chcolateholic like me. Thanks for this message and the the many others I receive.
The tools look brilliant but I seem to get the message “Internet explorer cannot display the webpage” I find this frustrating is there anything that can be done to rectify this problem?
Peter Levins
November 22, 2012 @ 11:41 am
Those were terrific chocolate reproductions of tools. Beings my man has been gone for thrity years to heaven, don’t have someone to give them to now. He was a chcolateholic like me. Thanks for this message and the the many others I receive.
November 21, 2012 @ 10:35 pm
The tools look brilliant but I seem to get the message “Internet explorer cannot display the webpage” I find this frustrating is there anything that can be done to rectify this problem?
Peter Levins
November 25, 2012 @ 2:44 pm
Use another web server.