Aping Around: Hat Wearing Primate Bumps Around The House
A playful gibbon creates a makeshift blindfold from a beanie hat before tearing around a living room in a touchingly childlike game. The gibbon, called Aperil, lives with Dana Savorelli, at Monkey Island Rescue in Greenwood, Missouri. Aperil has developed her own game by placing the hat over her hat and running through the house, often bumping into objects along the way.
What did you think of these funny apes? Please tell us in the comment section below and remember to share it with your friends.
March 1, 2017 @ 5:20 pm
I loved that video, it was wonderful. I always wanted a monkey when I was a kid but my Mum said she already had one, me. Ha! Ha! I still would like one but a small one, they are so energetic, intelligent and fun to have around. Loved the video thank you for sharing.
March 12, 2015 @ 8:59 pm
goofy silly and cute
March 12, 2015 @ 12:12 pm
Amazing and playful animals in a great home environment. A great cause for God’s amazing animals. Great video!