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  1. susan
    October 7, 2014 @ 9:07 pm

    AW that goes to show you animals can have a heart of gold
    And I think that this cat does


  2. Barbara Ferraro
    October 6, 2014 @ 8:46 pm

    I have received a lot of e-mails showing many unlikely companions, and this one is not all that unusual. We sometimes underestimate the animal kingdom and try to keep each type of animal in its own box, but God has a plan for us all, including the animals, the birds and many other creatures. I like cats and do not mind petting them or giving them attention, but I prefer to be a dog owner.


  3. mrshowscan
    October 6, 2014 @ 8:03 pm

    I’m a cat lover but I still love dogs and this was a good shot in the arm to give me a lift today.


  4. Joyce
    October 6, 2014 @ 3:43 pm

    This video is so “touching” it brought tears to my eyes. It’s amazing how intelligent and caring animals are. God bless them both. Thanks for the video!!!


  5. Ruby
    October 6, 2014 @ 12:45 pm

    Agree completely with Angelynn (neat name). God provides. My sister had a little poodle that gradually lost his sight in his later years. He still wanted to go out in the yard. Her yard cats seemed to know he was becoming challenged and they would guide him around to keep him from running into things. Wish I had a video of that. It was so sweet!!


  6. Paul
    October 6, 2014 @ 9:53 am

    I love my dog, if he ever gets in this dogs’ condition, I will have him put down


    • Angelynn
      October 6, 2014 @ 10:45 am

      Paul i agree with you only if the dog was in a lot of pain! with that not being the case the good
      Lord sent him a friend to be his eye’s and the dog looks happier,the cat is a blessing… 🙂


  7. Michele Norell
    October 5, 2014 @ 9:59 pm

    Who says animals aren’t smart? They cense more than we know. Amazing the bond they have,
    quite loving…


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