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  1. Harford Michael Shaffer
    July 4, 2017 @ 11:50 am

    Cats receive presents from Santa too, at least they do in our home. Since our two legged children are grown they are our four legged children.


  2. Alison Petrie
    December 23, 2016 @ 6:26 pm

    I loved this one it really was gorgeous. I remember once when we were at my Mothers home for Christmas and every Christmas Eve there was a street party in the main street of town. We always took our cat/cats with us when we visited Mum. My son was 5 and we came home from the Christmas party a little early this year, just before midnight. The presents were under the tree and my son wanted to know why. I looked around and our cat Wicket, looked like he had been spooked. The fur on his back was on end and eyes were huge and his tail was HUGE! So that got me out of a jam and Joesph still believed in Santa, even more so from then on. Thank you for sharing, this brought back a beautiful memory for me. My son is 40 now so must remind him of that fateful night Santa spooked Wicket.


  3. Love
    December 24, 2015 @ 11:48 am

    I like this a lot! Amazing Christmas song and video. The cat knows Santa loves them a lot. Great video and song. Thank you!


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